Browsing Did You Know? From ADLA

Know the dangers of hot cars and how to keep children safe

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/20/19


Know the dangers of hot cars and how to keep children safe

This time of year, we read horrible stories in the news about children being left in hot cars. This tragedy can happen to anyone, so it’s important to take steps to minimize risks. Don’t ... Read More »

Cyberbullying could be affecting your child

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/20/19


Cyberbullying could be affecting your child

In the summer, children may be spending more time talking to friends online and sharing status updates on social media, playing games, and more. The internet is a great way to keep in touch with classmates while school is out, ... Read More »

Viewing pornography can put children in greater danger of abuse

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/20/19


Viewing pornography can put children in greater danger of abuse

In a recent report on the role technology plays in sex trafficking, researchers discovered that the internet facilitated prostitution through online ads in 75% of cases. The average age of entry was 15. Pornography is a ... Read More »

If you hear concerns about boundaries, speak up

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/20/19


If you hear concerns about boundaries, speak up

Parents can learn a lot about their children, and their children’s friends, simply by keeping conversations going whenever possible — after school carpool, snack time, field trips, etc. Pay attention to any conversations that leave you feeling unsettled, ... Read More »

What constitutes a concern worth reporting?

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/13/19

What constitutes a concern worth reporting? Parents have a responsibility to report concerns they have about another person’s behaviors or actions that could put their children — or any children — at risk. These concerns are anything that makes the parent uneasy or uncomfortable, or anything that a child ... Read More »

What risks are worth it for children?

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 5/16/19

In today’s society, parents are often torn between protecting their children, and letting them experience life and even make mistakes.  Safety is vitally important, but there is value in learning from experience and from mistakes, too.  There may be times when parents wonder if they have gone too far ... Read More »

Tips for talking about “controlling access”

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 2/11/19

Part of the “Protecting God’s Children” training program is designed to control who has access to children and ensure that those who do undergo rigorous screening measures. It’s important for all adults to understand what this means and how this process works. Adults who are being screened have not ... Read More »

Know when words are warning signs

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 2/05/19

Some predators will use comments and conversations to groom potential victims. Be on guard any time an adult is talking to a child about sex, no matter how they’re presenting it (hygiene, reproduction, etc.). Physical flattery can be another red flag — predators sometimes try to make children feel ... Read More »

Protect your child’s financial future

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 1/25/19

​As parents, we want to keep our children safe from any harm. That includes harm from identity theft, which can lead to compromised credit scores and financial ruin, before your child even gets his/her first job! Take steps to minimize the risk of identity theft by setting up credit ... Read More »

Learn how to help children suffering from trauma

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 1/18/19

With mass shootings, natural disasters, and the social climate today, our children are living in a world that can be very scary at times. Children who have suffered from trauma, through abuse, loss, or another tragedy, may have different ways of viewing the world through the distorted lens of ... Read More »