Confirmation / Confirmación
Confirmation is a Catholic sacrament of mature Christian commitment and a deepening of baptismal gifts. Like Baptism and Eucharist, it is a Sacrament of Initiation for Catholics and a Sacrament of faith in God's fidelity to us.
La Confirmación es el sacramento en el cual el cristiano maduro corrobora su fe y su voluntad de permanecer en la Iglesia haciendo uso de sus regalos bautismales. Como el Bautismo y la Eucaristía, es un sacramento de iniciación para católicos y un sacramento de fe en la fidelidad de Dios hacia nosotros.
For high school students
Contact the Office of Religious Education at (323) 254-9073.
For high school students, Confirmation Preparation is a two year program (Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2). Classes are monthly between October and May, with additional meetings and retreats.
Each Confirmation student is required to complete service hours, learn prayers, and write a Saint Report.
For adults
Classes occur annually during the fall. Registration starts in August. Confirmandi meet on a weekly basis between September and November. Please contact the office at 323.256.3041 for more information, please stop by the office to register.
- Your spouse/ future spouse/ sponsor is welcome to come with you to the sessions
FALL 2019: September 24 - November 19
7pm | TUESDAYS | at the Pastoral Center
Rehearsal: Friday November 22 (Mass at 5:30, followed by pizza, followed by rehearsal at 6:15pm)
Confirmation Mass: Saturday November 23 (meet at 4:30 in the music room, Mass at 5pm)
You will need:
- Copy of Baptism Certificate
- One SPONSOR (must be a confirmed & practicing Catholic)
- Something to consider: Taking a confirmation name (saint's name, like adopting a saint as a heavenly padrino/ madrina)
To register:
- Complete application form (pick one up at the Parish Office)
- $50