Browsing Did You Know? From ADLA

How to make this a more spiritual summer

Posted by Lydia Aguirre on 7/24/24

For most of us, summer gives us a chance to slow down a bit, it gives us some time to  enjoy the fellowship of family and the beauty of God's creation.

It's also a time when mayb e we can do a little more spiritual reading, and try to new

Talk about chat room dangers with your teen

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 3/04/20


Online chat rooms are great places for people to connect over shared interests and ideas. But for young children and teenagers who may not be internet-savvy, they’re also a great place for predators to lay groundwork. In a chat room, anyone can be whomever they want ... Read More »

Make a playground checklist

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 2/12/20

Parents sometimes think of playgrounds as “drop zones” for their kids — keep an eye or an ear out, but otherwise settle in on a bench while your child burns off energy. Nearly 170,000 children were injured on playgrounds in 2019, and a few moments of careful attention could ... Read More »

Megan’s Law protects parents and children

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 2/05/20


In the state of California, anyone who has engaged in sexual misconduct with a child under the age of 16 is not allowed to work directly with minors, or to be unaccompanied with minors. This includes volunteer and employee positions. This law helps to create safe ... Read More »

The importance of making rules | Feb 2

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 1/31/20

The importance of making rules 

As parents, we want our children to see us as their allies and teachers, not just the people who lay down the law. But sometimes, rules are more effective — rules are simple and easy to remember, and leave no room for error. When ... Read More »

Understanding the deception tactics of abusers

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 11/04/19


Understanding the deception tactics of abusers

Sex abusers are out to deceive everyone around them. And for many people, it’s hard to acknowledge the reality that predators are among us, and, are often the last people we expect. Many abusers utilize trusted positions in the community ... Read More »

Know the signs of denial

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 10/15/19


Know the signs of denial

Denial is a commonly used defense mechanism for abuse victims. Because they want to believe that things will go back to normal, victims often feel trapped into just allowing the situation to play out. Fear of change can be overwhelming, especially ... Read More »

Teach your children the concept of “total body safety”

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 9/05/19

Teach your children the concept of “total body safety”

Teaching the concept of “total body safety” encompasses all parts of the body, including the head, mouth, legs and arms, which are usually overlooked. Child abuse perpetrators can use any part of the body to stimulate a child or ... Read More »

Be constantly vigilant anytime your children are near water

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 7/12/19

Be constantly vigilant anytime your children are near water

Drowning takes only a few seconds, especially when children have easy access to a body of water. Make sure children know the water safety rules — always go in with an adult, wear appropriate gear (floaties, goggles, etc.), and no ... Read More »

Know the signs of a potential predator

Posted by Maria Ruiz on 6/26/19

Did you Know? Know the signs of a potential predator

It’s not always easy to spot someone who has malicious intentions towards children in your community. Although we have sex offender registries and certifications for adults who work with children, predators can slip through the cracks. Adults who are in ... Read More »