Baptism/ Bautizos

For Catholics, the Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey of commitment and discipleship. Whether we are baptized as infants or adults, Baptism is the Church's way of celebrating and enacting God's embrace.

Para católicos, el Sacramento de Bautismo es el primer paso de una jornada para toda la vida de compromiso y discipulado. Seamos bautizados de niños o adultos, el Bautismo es como la Iglesia celebra y decreta el abrazo de Dios

For Infants / Para Infantes:

Baptisms for infants (under 5 ½) take place on a monthly basis, except during Lent. / Tenemos Bautizos para infantes (menores de 5 ½ ) cada mes, excepto durante Cuaresma.

  • English – 3rd Saturday of the month, 11am
  • Español – 4to sabado del mes, 11am
  • *No private baptisms/ no hay bautizos privados

Requirements/ Requisitos:

Please contact the Parish Office for more details (323.256.3041)

Llamenos a la oficina para mas
detalles (323.256.3041)

    • For registration/ Para registrarse, necesitamos:
      • Child’s Birth Certificate / Certificado de Nacimiento del bebe
      • $80 donation per child / donación de $80 por cada niño
    • Prebaptismal class / Clase Pre-Bautismal
      • English – 3rd Thursday of the month, Music Room, 7pm
      • Español – 4to Jueves del mes, Salon Parroquial, 7pm
        • If parents or godparents are out of town, they may take the Prebaptism class at their local Catholic parish and provide verification (letter/certificate) that they completed the class / Si los padres o padrinos viven en otra ciudad, pueden tomar la clase en su parroquia local y traer una verificacion (carta/ certificado) que completaron la clase
        • If class schedule does not fit your needs, check availability of classes at our neighboring Catholic parishes and call to sign up / Si el horario de las classes no corresponde con sus necesidades, revise el horario de nuestras parroquias vecinas y llame para registrarse:


For School Aged Children

Once the child is 5 ½  years old, they must attend Baptism preparation classed with the Religious Education program.

Please contact the Office of Religious Education for more information on classes for your child.

323.256.9073   |   stignatiusre@gmail.com

For Adults

If you are an adult who would like to be baptized, you may be prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).

For more information: St. Ignatius Parish RCIA